8 Jul 2012

Change and conformity.

Over the last few days I have been contemplating these two words:



Both to me are ideas within humanity I have, throughput my life, either rebelled against or cherished. Change. This is one I cherish. The ability of society to change. But, it takes a strong minded person to accept change and envelop it. Throughout history, man had feared change. feared the unknown. People have adopted the attitude that the world is OK as it is. They fear change, they prefer the security of the status quo in which they live in. Even those who may think change in any form, whether social ideas, democracy, politics, attitudes, social systems requires change, will not pursue change unless it affects them on an individual level. Who cares if those living on an estate 3 miles away are trapped in a circle of degeneration? As long as it doesn't affect us personally, it can stay the same. these are the people who join the bandwagon of rebellion in thought only, for, the most morbid fear to mankind is the fear of a new idea, doctrine or belief. We would rather , as Shakespeare noted, choose to bear the ills which we have 'than flee to others that they not know of.'

The idea of Gay Marriage in America, Women as Bishops, attitudes towards bdsm...I could go on. Minority Issues, as they are classed by society. Attitudes need to change. This cannot be done as long as we are willing to stay silent, trade the future for a quiet life. Change cannot come until everyone is informed about these issues, stereo types are crushed, false information corrected and support is given.

This brings me to to conformity. I am, by nature, a nonconformist! I will not, if I can help it, conform to the majority idea, rule or view point if I do not believe in it.

Non conformity  is difficult. We have been brought up in a society governed by people pressure, a conditioning of our minds to accept the status quo, a governing of group consensus. we are physiologically conditioned to take the path of least resistance.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said that; 'In this world a man must either be anvil or hammer.' We must either mould and create a better society, or we allow society to mould and condition us to the views of the majority rule.

People fear taking a stand supporting an idea or belief which may make us stand alone against prevailing public opinion. We would rather not stand alone. Collectivism crushes individualism. We fear being singled out, noted for being different. How many of us truly have the audacity to express our convictions in public? How many of us would express enjoyment of BDSM during a discussion in the staff room? Society tells us: Its OK, in fact, encouraged, to ENJOY drinking alcohol on a Friday night until you can't stand, until you are sick, to making a fool of yourself in public, to urinate against a public wall while intoxicated, but, to admit to enjoying BDSM? No way!

Nonconformists. If it was not for disciplined, dedicated nonconformists, man kind would never have grown. We would still be segregated within society according to our colour, race or religion. Women would still be waiting for the right to vote. We would still think the World was flat.

I am a nonconformist.

All things must change to something new, to something strange. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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