The definition of tolerance in Webster’s Dictionary is:
: willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that
are different from your own
My generation didn’t grow up truly being taught to be
tolerate of people unlike ourselves. It was in my home, but that wasn’t the
norm. My parents were front runners for their generation when it came to
acceptance of those with a skin color that wasn’t white. We didn’t have African
American kids bused to our school until I was in 3rd grade, and even then, they
had a different lunch hour and different playground times as us. The idea of
that seems ridiculous, but that was the way it was, and I live in a big city.
It wasn’t until 5th grade that black children appear in my class photos, and
the idea of same sex couples being open, let alone married never entered
anyone’s mind.
The younger generation is much more tolerable of color and
sexual orientation, but in the kink community these twenty somethings tend to
scoff at those of us who are old school when it comes to protocol and manners.
This worries me some because they also tend to be much more ‘out’ than those of
us who are older. Perhaps this is because everyone shares damn near everything
on the internet now days or because those of us who are older have more to lose
when it comes to a life long career and the benefits and pension that comes
with it.
The above stuff isn’t really what I want to address though.
Nor is the tolerance of bisexual, homosexual or gay people. We are making
headway here. Not as much or as fast as I would like in my state, but we are.
What I want to really speak about is the acceptance or tolerance of those who
are transgender, transsexual, or even cross dressers. Now please don’t give me
backlash for including them or excluding a type of gender identification I left
off. This subject really isn’t in my expertise. I am addressing it because I
have friends who are some or all of the above, and while I can identify with
discrimination because of my orientation as a lesbian, I can’t even begin to
know what it’s like to feel you are in the wrong body.
We have a good amount of people in our kink community who
fall under the titles above. A few of them will dress to the nines even when we
are at a munch among non kinksters. One friend loves to strut his other half
and has clothes and shoes I envy. He is very stylish as his female half and
doesn’t give a care what anyone thinks. I have seen people’s eye popping out of
their heads in shock, but really, he doesn’t dress as Marcella to offend or
shock anyone, he does it because he loves Marcella as much as he loves being
her. He isn’t throwing his kink in anyone’s face. He doesn’t strut about and
intermingle with the vanilla crowd to purposely shock people, but he doesn’t
hide in a corner either. He is just
being himself.
Unfortunately, my friend is an exception. most of those who
have a deep desire to set their inner woman free hide because of lack of
acceptance. Their families wouldn’t get it, and while Marcella roams free, she
has a very confident air and I don’t think many would have the nerve to
comment. In addition to that, his/her wife is super supportive. Marcella is the
envy of many of my friends who have a deep desire to be free, but lack the
confidence because of the probability they will be shunned. This fear is felt
by both those who identify so strongly as being a woman that they feel they are
living in the wrong body, and those who just feel wonderful wearing women’s
clothing. their rate of heartache varies, but the cause is the same. Lack of
acceptance by society.
There are those who have had the courage to have the surgery
and take the hormones that will allow them to live as the gender they feel, but
the hardships faced monetarily, physically, and emotionally makes it a struggle
before and while they are transitioning. Women who wish to be men seem to be
accepted a bit more than men who wish to be women, though I’m not sure the
reason. Perhaps because society has come to accept masculine women. Those who
have transitioned and are ‘passable’ endure less scorn, but as a whole, narrow
minded individuals, including those in government positions, really make life
hell for so many.
In another post I told everyone about a friend who had lost
his job because he was outted for his kink which included feminization
pictures. His entire life was impacted financially and emotionally, and for
what? Why? What right does anyone have to pass judgment and really, why on
Earth is it anyone’s business if someone born as one gender feels a deep inner
need to be another? Those in judgment don’t know how someone who is trapped in
the wrong body feels. They don’t have to endure the rejection of family and
‘friends’ when they decide to come out and do what their heart screams that
they must do. Those who ridicule don’t know one damn thing about the people
they are turning their noses up at and condemning.
Is it REALLY such a huge deal if a kid who is born male but
dresses and acts female at all times uses the girl’s bathroom at school? Being
transgender doesn’t make you a sex freak and if the child has a long history of
dressing and being a girl then he/she isn’t there to spy on or be perverted
with any of the girls in the restroom. I know, people worry that their girls
will be exposed to a freak and such, but really, those who want to use the
restroom of the sex they feel they are just want to feel as if they are in the
right place.
Is it REALLY such a big deal if a male dresses as a female
or a female as a male? Who does that hurt? Why must they be subjected to
bigotry? Most cross dressers I know reserve their dressing in women clothes for
events or parties where they know no one will raise an eyebrow, but those who
are transitioning and are living the mandated time as a man or a woman prior to
surgery have as much right to go shopping, out to dinner, to movies or where
ever without stares, snide comments or harassment.
I don’t see much ignorance and refusal to accept transgender
and transsexual people in the kink community as I do some of the bigotry that
happens with other fetishes and that’s good, but society as a whole just needs
to step back and ask themselves why exactly they must fuss and be loud mouth,
or ever quiet, bigots regarding those who wish to be the opposite sex. It isn’t
about them and the feeling of ick they feel when they see a man dressing as a
woman. Just look away if you don’t like it, you have no business making rude
comments or expressing an opinion that wasn’t asked for. Those who are so
intolerant should be bound in front of a TV showing non stop Ru Paul’s Drag
Race for 24 hours.
The newest generation seems much more tolerant of skin
color, cultural differences, sexual orientation, and hopefully that tolerance
will trickle down to acceptance of transsexual and transgender people too. A
recent study done was up on Yahoo news. It the recorded the responses of kids
from about ages 5 to 16 who viewed lavish marriage proposals between two sets of
same sex couples, one men and one women. Only a one of the kids said “They
can’t do that”. One also was confused saying “You mean a girl marrying a
girl?”, but the child was probably 6 or so.
Most thought the proposals wonderful, touching, or sweet, so there is
I live with a small bit of the bigotry people born as the
wrong sex have to live with, and once I retire I will be open to the world as
lesbian and kinky. Until then I will just be happy my friends and family
understand and accept my relationship and marriage with Beauty. That’s five
years of hiding at work, and it seems long, but I wish that those who struggle
with gender identity had only five years to be open, free, happy, and accepted
by all. They are people with hearts. They are people with brains. They are
people with ethics. They are not people out to corrupt children. They are not
dressing as they do or wearing make up and a wig to make you uncomfortable,
they are just people who want to live the life they know they must in order to be
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