24 Oct 2014

Permission from client to record sessions - Video / audio / photo


Recording A Session - Permissions

The following type(s) of recording will be permitted during this session:

p Still Photography

p Video

p Audio

The following use recording(s) will be produced during this session:

p Commercial Public Distribution

p Non-Commercial Public Distribution

p Commercial Private Distribution

p Non-Commercial Private Distribution

p Destroyed upon completion of the session

p None

The following post-production is required prior to release for specified use:

p Obliteration of identifiable features

p Approval of post-production product by participants

p Duplication of all original recordings for participant(s) personal use

p None

Ownership and copyright of all session recording(s) are hereby assigned to the following person(s) with interests and / or restrictions as




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Practice makes perfect

Resulting form the lack of effectiveness in work while wearing shackles, I did promise Mistress to practice more at home when I have time an...