
27 Mar 2018

Mistress Leyla

Welcome to My blog. I try to promote, write and publish content relevant to BDSM and issues relating to the scene. I wanted this blog to be more than just a place to write kink related stories, but to touch on issues relevant and offer a go-to place for advice, articles and sometimes controversial issues.

A little about myself. I have been a practicing Professional Domme for over 10 years. I am active in many communities and have a wide interest in the essence of BDSM - mind, body and soul. And I firmly believe the qualities in a good Mistress are many and varied. These qualities are attributed to the person. There are many in the scene who do not understand the difference between being dominant and being domineering. A domineering person is overbearing, aggressive, loud and tyrannical. They control through oppression and enforce their will without consequence. This is not who I am.

I am always looking for people who would like to contribute to this blog, so, if you have an article you'd like to post, please do get in touch.

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Practice makes perfect

Resulting form the lack of effectiveness in work while wearing shackles, I did promise Mistress to practice more at home when I have time an...