Ingrid Olson
and gender identities hold subversive potential. Contemporary academic work on
sexuality and gender has targeted issues such as gender oppression, sexual objectification, and intersex, transsexual and transgender
categorizations. However, the creation
and recognition of alternative, non-normative sexuality and gender identifications
has been largely overlooked by the academic community. The study of sexuality
is the study of power. Nowhere is this truer than in sadomasochism, the
negotiated, consensual exchange of power. The practices and relationship
schemata within the sadomasochistic community represent a paradigm for
investigating alternative sexuality and gender identities. Members of the
leather community often engage in
communication and negotiation for the specific purpose of developing consensual
sexuality and/or gender roles within the framework of power exchange
relationships. These subsequent alternative
sexuality and gender identities can be regarded as seditious as they
problematize traditional, binary sex/gender categorizations, and sexual
relationships based on expectations of symmetry and gentleness.