Another year, and yet more criminal justice legislation. The
Criminal Justice and Courts Bill 2013-14
is going through Parliament at the moment, and it will come as no
surprise that it includes new criminal offences. Here’s a quick look at them:
Research by jurors (s 44)
This adds a new s 20A-D to the Juries Act 1974. It comes off
the back of the Law Commission Report on Juror Misconduct that was published on
9 December 2013 and effectively implements the recommendations, save that there
is no exception for academic research which is a disappointment. The new
offences mainly codify the common law on contempt of court as it relates to
jurors. It allows them to be dealt with by the “usual” criminal courts rather
than through proceedings for contempt, which is arguably a sensible way
forward. In reality, there will not be that many cases that are prosecuted.